This week, the BrainTap Business Journal Podcase is pleased to introduce Dr. Charles Shidolfsky. Dr. Shidolfsky operates several vision rehabilitation clinics in Texas whose goal is to not only help patients see 20/20 but also to go beyond by evaluating how you process information and how your vision integrates with your other senses. Using state of the art equipment, Dr. Shidolfsky works with patients with developmental issues, traumatic brain injury, concussion, autism and more.
Because of his own issue with visual processing as a child, Dr. Shidolfsky became interested in optometry as it correlates to vision and development and how to help kids who are having difficulties in school that may go beyond mere vision problems.

Listen in to hear how closely our vision has to do with our brain function. Dr. Shidolfsky believes that vision goes beyond what the eyes see. The brain has to identify what it is we’re seeing, as well as determining spatial relation—where things are in relation to the person. Those are the factors that neurodevelopmental optometry focuses on.

In the age of technology more and more people are developing neurodevelopmental vision issues. Dr. Shidolfsky will share with us ways he’s been able to help professional athletes return to play after a concussion, traumatic brain injury sufferers to recover, Special Olympic athletes perform at their very best, and to everyone in between.

He will also explain how his therapies work hand in hand with BrainTap and how he utilizes BrainTap in his practice to give his patients outstanding results.

For more information on Dr. Charles Shidolfsky visit, find him on LinkedIn or check him out on Instagram @neurovisionassociatesTX

For more information on Vision Therapy and it’s practical applications:
International Functional Neurosciences and Rehabilitation -
The International Sports Vision Association -
The Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association - NORA -
College of Optometrists and Visio Development -

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