This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast, Dr. Porter joins Juraj Kocar, CEO of
Somavedic Technologies Inc. Juraj joined Somavedic after experiencing the benefits of the
technology for himself, eventually becoming CEO in 2019. He has been instrumental in
developing brand strategy and expanding into the US market. He sees Somavedic as an
opportunity to bring healing and harmony to the world.

We all know sleep is an essential part of our wellbeing. During sleep our body heals and repairs,
recovers energy and releases growth hormone, but many of us are not getting the proper sleep.
One third of Americans get six hours of sleep or less and 25% of the population has insomnia.
Social issues such as the pandemic and more have taken a hit on the quality of sleep we all get.
Somavedic has a mission to mitigate the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on our body and
help improve the quality of sleep we are getting. Somavedic is an innovative, always-on, rest
and recovery therapy device that can harmonize any space and anyone’s routine – take it from
home to office and beyond.

In this episode you’ll learn:
 Facts about lack of sleep and the effects it has on the human body
 The adverse effects of EMFs on sleep and our health
 Effective ways to battle sleep deprivation
 Products that help battle oxidative stress and cell degeneration
 Ways to remain happy and healthy

 URL:

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