This Halloween on Psych Soc O’Clock we explore the scarier side of  psychology, exploring why and when we feel fear and the scary effects  halloween costume cultural appropriation can have on all of us.  

Created by Amelia Hilton in association with the University of Glasgow  Psychology Society  Written and recorded by Amelia Hilton, Emma Strang and Lea Kati.

Produced by Amelia Hilton Edited by Imogen Mcleod  Original music by Sonia Kilman (Facebook: Instagram: @dream__beings)

Recording facilities provided by the University of Glasgow Critical  Studies department  

Studies mentioned in the podcast:  

Cole, B., Matheson, K., & Anisman, H. (2007). The Moderating Role of  Ethnic Identity and Social Support on Relations Between Well‐Being and  Academic Performance 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(3),  592-615.  

Feinstein, J. S., Adolphs, R., Damasio, A., & Tranel, D. (2011). The  human amygdala and the induction and experience of fear. Current  biology, 21(1), 34-38.  

Fryberg, S. A., Markus, H. R., Oyserman, D., & Stone, J. M. (2008).  Of warrior chiefs and Indian princesses: The psychological consequences  of American Indian mascots. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30(3),  208-218.  

Goff, P. A., Steele, C. M., & Davies, P. G. (2008). The space  between us: stereotype threat and distance in interracial contexts.  Journal of personality and social psychology, 94(1), 91.  

Kawai, N., Kubo, K., Masataka, N., & Hayakawa, S. (2016). Conserved  evolutionary history for quick detection of threatening faces. Animal  cognition, 19(3), 655-660.  

Lipp, O. V. (2006). Of snakes and flowers: Does preferential detection  of pictures of fear-relevant animals in visual search reflect on  fear-relevance?. Emotion, 6(2), 296.  

Öhman, A., & Mineka, S. (2001). Fears, phobias, and preparedness:  toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning. Psychological  review, 108(3), 483.  

Öhman, A., & Soares, J. J. (1994). " Unconscious anxiety": phobic  responses to masked stimuli. Journal of abnormal psychology, 103(2),  231.  Phelps, E. A. (2004).

Human emotion and memory: interactions of the  amygdala and hippocampal complex. Current opinion in neurobiology,  14(2), 198-202.  Seligman, M. E. (1971). Phobias and preparedness. Behavior therapy,  2(3), 307-320.  

Stone, J., & McWhinnie, C. (2008). Evidence that blatant versus  subtle stereotype threat cues impact performance through dual processes.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(2), 445-452.

Other links:  Ohio univeristy poster campaign:  

Evolutionary roots of fear:…noredirect=on  

Why do we enjoy fear?: