If you want to be a fitness coach, your are someone that people should be looking up to. However, it’s few and far between that you meet a trainer who’s the same on the internet as they are in person. Bridging the gap between the science and how to implement that in a real life situation with a real person is something that is missing. In this episode, we discuss why your fitness coaching service sucks and what to look for in a good one.

Any online fitness coach who leads with anything along the lines of “use my discount code” or “you need to buy this supplement and combine it with this one” is money hungry and blowing smoke. You need a coach that is a real person who makes their money by providing value to people, someone that is going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. You need someone who is not fake and is willing to make adjustments accordingly in order to stay away from the one size fits all. Exceptional coaches go above and beyond to make sure their clients are taken care of in every way that they can.

In this episode, we talk about…

Nick’s fitness coaching story Things trainers do that hurt clients Impakt (Nick’s fitness umbrella company) Being adaptable to different client lifestyles What to look for in online fitness coaches Motivations to continue growing in fitness training

Links to resources:

Nick Komodina Instagram

Brendan Lund | Online Coach

For more information about Brendan Lund follow him on Instagram, Twitter or check out his Link Tree

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