In this episode, Larry invited a very passionate real estate investor. Rod Khleif personally owned and managed over 2,000 properties. Rod has also built over 23 businesses in his 40-year business career.

Rod Khleif has combined his passion for real estate investing with his personal philosophy of goal setting, envisioning, and manifesting success to become one of America’s top real estate investment and high performance life coaches.


Rod's backstory

How he got into real estate

Learning the psychology of success

On losing 50 million dollars

The reason his business crashed

What it took to look past losing everything

Goal setting and using visualization

Writing down your goal is powerful

Redirecting your focus on what you want

Having a compelling vision

On giving back

Difference between fulfilment and success

On having a morning ritual


"80-90% of your success in anything is your mindset and your psychology. Only 10-20% is the real estate mechanical information." "A comfort zone is a warm place but nothing grows there." "Where focus goes, energy flows." "You should never achieve a big goal without having other goals lined up behind it."
