Since a lot of people asked me what the best kind of leads are, the best kind of return of investment, etc., I invited my good friend Leon McKenzie from US Probate Leads.

Leon McKenzie is the chief operating officer at US Probate Leads, a company he co-founded 12 years ago. The company has grown to become the leading provider of probate leads for virtually every county in the United States, using a national network of researchers who collect data directly from individual probate courts each month.

In this episode, Leon shared how they collected, sorted, and organised probate leads. He also discussed probate and its process.


How they got into probate

Putting an organisation together to find out how to pull data out of the counties

Collecting and sorting data

Mentoring people on how to use the data

Figuring out how to take the program nationwide and reaching out to companies

Capitalising on the business and making data available to people

Understanding the process

Why probate makes sense

Motivated sellers and projections

What probate is and how it works

Role of the executor

How long the process takes

On marketing

Tracking what marketing strategy is working

Working with his son and daughter

Certification programs


“If you're going to be in this business, you have to provide quality information.” “You want to get leads that people have a high probability of selling.” “You have to be consistent.”


Yellow Letters US Probate Leads