Brain Burps About Books Podcast #243

12 Things To Do After a Conference Announcements Enter the Institute for Writer's PreK Writing Contest! There will be $1300 in prizes awarded and you could win. For all the details visit or text PREKCONTEST to 33444. Submit your manuscript before October 31st for a chance to win. Did you miss the amazing Picture Book Summit? Sign up to find out about our upcoming events at This week we're talking about what to do after a conference What should you do right after you get home? What do you do with all the "stuff" you've collected at the conference? Where should you keep with all those notes you've taken? How can social media help you after the event? What's the best way to keep in touch with your favorite speakers? To give feedback or not to give feedback? That is the question. How should you follow up with the contacts you made? What's nudgemail? How can you share what you've learned?