Brain Burps About Books Podcast #239

Idea Generator for Your YA Novel
An Interview with Anne Collier Announcements

Just a quick note to let you know that I’m starting a new podcast soon called Writing for Children (if I haven’t already started by the time you hear this). Want to know more? It’s going to be pretty awesome and very different from this show. Go to to learn more.

Not sure how to get started with your marketing? Get Your First 1000 Followers is my new LIVE class coming this Fall for those who want that intro to business for writers. Learn how to use an email list, best practices for social media, taking of advantage of video, and how to monetize your website! Click HERE to check it out. Do you enjoy our Brain Burps About Books guests? Do you have questions about their interviews? Come join the Brain Burps About Books Facebook Group and interact with them (the week the episode airs)! Click HERE to join. It's not too late to join Picture Book Summit! Click HERE to register for the October 3rd online event with Peter Brown, Andrea Davis Pinkney, and Mac Barnett. Check out Craig Valentine at for six tips for speaking. Invaluable for school visits! Tell me what you want! What would like to hear on the podcast? What can I do for you? Leave me a message at This week's guest is Anne Collier!

Editor of and founder and president of Net Family News, Inc., Anne is a writer and youth advocate who has worked in the news media since 1980. With‘s Larry Magid, she co-founded and, until March 2015, co-directed, a Web-based resource for parents, educators, and everybody interested in the impact of the fixed and mobile social Web on youth and vice versa.

Anne has served on three national task forces on youth and Internet safety, including as co-chair of the Obama administration’s Online Safety & Technology Working Group, which delivered its report to Congress, “Youth Safety on a Living Internet,” in June 2010, and the Harvard Berkman Center’s national Internet Safety Technical Task Force of 2008. Most recently she served on the Aspen Institute Task Force for Learning & the Internet of 2013-’14.

Ann and I talk about

How Net Family News can help with ideas for your young adult novel. Kindness Wins by Galit Breen. What does sexting have to do with teen pregnancy? What constitutes cyberbullying? Why she founded Follow I Can Help on Twitter: Hot button issues. How the internet changed education. SEL – Social Emotional Learning.

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