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A new decade means new questions from ppl like u! And thankfully - I exist. And thereby all of the answers to all of your burning questions also exist by the fact that I exist - #LOGIC

If I didn't get to YOUR question in this episode - don't cry! All the contact info for the show is down below V V V

Send in your question (business, health, life, music, exotic cars, underwater zumba, whatever you got!) and I will ANSWER you on the next Burning Questions episode!:)

And remember - if you like the show - SHARE IT!

REMEMBER - the Brad Johnson Show Video Course - here's what you get:

HOURS of my amazingness & winnerliness on VIDEO for you to enjoy, learn from, grow from, transform from, and WIN from!!!

Just a little thank you for supporting the show:)


This is a course unlike ANYTHING you've EVER seen before! And something that you will NEVER see the likes of again.

Tired of losing at life?

Tired of being #loserly?

Wish there was something more?

Ready to launch your #winnerliness into the stratosphere??

Now you CAN!

With the Brad Johnson Show Course Video Course


This (like me) is the REAL DEAL. NOTHING but #WisdomTruthBombs for HOURS of video content + BONUSES + MORE!


And don't forget - sign up for the Course HERE!!!

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