Happy Halloween in July! We’ve chosen to abstain from celebrating Halloween due to the fact that it was invented by witches to talk to the dead. Still, we have a job to do. Inspiring us to remain true to our convictions regarding the shadow realm is our favorite homeschool family, the Wrights. Led by parents Ashley Hays Wright and David Owen Wright, the Wrights and their three daughters function as an accomplished low budget Christian film production company. From what we can assume about them based on the details we learn from their films and social media, the Wrights homeschool their daughters, and use this instructional time to work together to create family friendly films with a uniquely Christian message. The Wrights stand out within the Christian film scene for their apparent love of horror — creepy themes such as ghosts or bigfoot seem to be a common theme throughout their body of work. The involvement of their young daughters also makes the Wright films very unique. The Wright sisters’ childlike sense of storytelling creates genuinely surprising and delightful moments. David Lynch famously invokes Transcendental Meditation to dive deep within his subconscious to invoke the signs and symbols that make his films powerful — the Wright sisters are inherently able to do this via their precociously limitless imaginations. Making the godly choice to boycott Halloween candy has never seemed so fun! 

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