The Weird Circle -  Presented 30 minute tales of horror, frequently inspired by classic horror or ghost stories, frequently done by French authors. It opened with the sound of the surf and the chant-like opening, "In this cave by the restless sea, we are met to call from out of past, stories strange and weird.  Bell keeper, toll the bell, so that all may know that we are gathered again in the Weird Circle". The show was heard on Mutual stations November, 1943 through October, 1947 and very briefly in September/October of 1947 on ABC.


Program #30. NBC syndication. "The Strange Judgment". Commercials added locally. An honest fisherman and his good wife have an evil son, not worthy of his parents. A judgment must be made! . 25:05.

The Weird Circle -  Presented 30 minute tales of horror, frequently inspired by classic horror or ghost stories, frequently done by French authors. It opened with the sound of the surf and the chant-like opening, "In this cave by the restless sea, we are met to call from out of past, stories strange and weird.  Bell keeper, toll the bell, so that all may know that we are gathered again in the Weird Circle". The show was heard on Mutual stations November, 1943 through October, 1947 and very briefly in September/October of 1947 on ABC.THIS EPISODE:Program #30. NBC syndication. "The Strange Judgment". Commercials added locally. An honest fisherman and his good wife have an evil son, not worthy of his parents. A judgment must be made! . 25:05.