The CBS Radio Mystery Theater - As you walk through the creaking door you enter into another world, the world of imagination. This world is inside you, a part of you, and you take this journey alone. Each person hears and then sees with his or her mind's eye the events portrayed within these dramas. All of us interprets what they hear differently. The images we see is unique to ourselves. A voice becomes a person, living, breathing they come alive. They take on a physical form and characteristics that we assign to them. The wonders of your own mind are boundless. Scary thoughts? Perhaps, but what powers they bring us! To exercise one's imagination is to exercise one's soul. These dramas provide us with an escape from reality. To adventures beyond our own lives. Enjoy them. And pleasant dreams!

January 29, 1974. Program #24. CBS network. "The Man Who Heard Voices". Sponsored by: Budweiser, Kellogg's. Augusta Dabney, Leon Janney, Suzanne Grossman, E. G. Marshall (host), Sam Dann (writer), Larry Haines. 52 minutes.