In 1946 the National Broadcasting System created a series of eight half hour radio shows dramatizing the dangers of Atomic Warfare. This was part of an organized effort to turn control of Atomic weapons over to the United Nations so that no individual country would be able to use them.
On July 4, 1946 the first program in the The Fifth Horseman series, called "Rehearsal", aired starring Henry Fonda. Written and produced by Arnold Marquis, this program used the recent atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll to illustrate that atomic weapons are designed to be used on cities, not military targets. Fonda portrays an American POW present during the bombing of Hiroshima. The atomic bombing of that city is portrayed in a short drama. Henry Fonda was the first of several stars who contributed to this series, including William Bendix, Glenn Ford and Robert Young among others. The series ran through the summer.