FIRST BROADCAST: June 8th 1947
LAST BROADCAST: June 25th 1949
NARRATORS: Ernest Chappell, Jim Boles, Cathleen Cordell, Dan Sutter, Cecil Roy, Bruno Wick, Peggy Stanley, Claudia Morgan
SOUND EFFECTS: Bill McClintock
THEME: Second Movement of Franckâs Symphony in D Minor
MUSIC: Albert Berman

Quiet Please â 1947-1949
Wyllis Cooper, the creator of Lights Out, wrote and directed this thriller series. The program was similar but not so graphic and the sound effects not quite so disturbing. These were not tales of people living happily ever after. Ernest Chappell told the tales and each week he played some âordinary fellow who gets all bollixed up with the supernatural.â

January 12, 1948. Mutual network. "The Room Where The Ghosts Lived". Sustaining. A dying man tells a ghost story to his doctor. He tells how he released the spirit of a woman dead one hundred and seventy five years, from a secret room in his house. Albert April (sound effects), Claudia Morgan, Ernest Chappell, James Van Dyke, Wyllis Cooper (writer, director). 24:34.