he goes across the street into the drugstore, steps on the scale, height: 6
feet, weight: 290 pounds, fortune: Danger. 
Who isit? THE FAT MAN." Brad Runyon was the Fat Man, played by Jack
Scott Smart.  The series was created by
Dashall Hammott and was first heard on the ABC network Jan. 21, 1946. J. Scott
Smart fit the part of the Fat Man perfectly, weighing in at 270 pounds
himself.  When he spoke, there was no
doubt that this was the voice of a big guy. 
Smart gave a witty, tongue-in-cheek performance and helped make THE FAT
MAN one of the most popular detective programs on the  air. Smart also appeared in The March Of Time
(early 1930s), the Theater Guild On The Air, Blondie, The Fred Allen Show, and
The Jack Benny Program.


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