This is an Australian radio production of the
classic MGM science fiction movie, Forbidden Planet. The production uses all
the original electronic music and effects from the film. Length: 55 Min. What can I say? Years
before Starfleet officers donned uniforms in Star Trek, it was done in
Forbidden Planet. Long before Han Solo held a blaster, the guys in Forbidden
Planet did it. Long before Star Trek's android Data and shortly before Lost in
Space's Robby, a mechanical being played a major role in Forbidden Planet. Long
before big special effects films ruled movie theaters, Forbidden Planet was
packed with great effects, including astounding matte paintings. Long before
electronically-created music became common, Forbidden Planet featured an
all-synthesizer soundtrack that gave a futuristic and creepy feeling. Long
before Leslie Nielson said, "Don't call me Shirley," he wore a
spacesuit and wielded a ray gun.

Online Meetings Made Easy with GoToMeeting Try it Free for 45 days use Promo Code Podcast


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This is an Australian radio production of the
classic MGM science fiction movie, Forbidden Planet. The production uses all
the original electronic music and effects from the film. Length: 55 Min. What can I say? Years
before Starfleet officers donned uniforms in Star Trek, it was done in
Forbidden Planet. Long before Han Solo held a blaster, the guys in Forbidden
Planet did it. Long before Star Trek's android Data and shortly before Lost in
Space's Robby, a mechanical being played a major role in Forbidden Planet. Long
before big special effects films ruled movie theaters, Forbidden Planet was
packed with great effects, including astounding matte paintings. Long before
electronically-created music became common, Forbidden Planet featured an
all-synthesizer soundtrack that gave a futuristic and creepy feeling. Long
before Leslie Nielson said, "Don't call me Shirley," he wore a
spacesuit and wielded a ray gun.

Online Meetings Made Easy with GoToMeeting Try it Free for 45 days use Promo Code Podcast