The Boy Who Lived... has come to die... And Box Office Pulp has come to graduate from Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Many werewolf full moons ago we took off in Hagrid's side car on a quest that took us from a cupboard under the stairs, to one of the greatest cinematic worlds ever produced, all to plumb the intricacies and artistry of a once in a lifetime series that actually stuck a landing! And boy, what a landing. BOP 'n A Movie opens at the close to provide a feature commentary for HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO! The, at times, tragic, but often triumphant culmination of a franchise that many, literally, grew up on. As for our final word on J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World and all those who put their blood, sweat, tears, and tolerance of Dobby into bringing it to life? Always.

Be a Neville Longbottom by downloading the commentary here!

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