Hello listeners and welcome back to another wild episode from the Box Office Invaders Podcast! This week is a little sad, we're missing Sarah AKA Kitty Pi 314, AKA Canadian Treasure, AKA... okay we ran out of goofy things to say, BUT she is missing this week and Jer and Grizz did their very best to spread awareness during the search to bring her home! So if ya'll wanna jump on the ship this week and help us out, then queue the intro music, grab your snacks and pump up the headphone volume on this weeks episode of... BOX OFFICE INVADERS!

Our intro and outro music is made by the talented Daniel Fraser, KVYO and you can find him on spotify @kvyo and instagram @kvyospyinoneem. Drop him a follow and say we sent ya!

As always, feel free to follow us on our socials:

Facebook @boxofficeinvaderspod

Instagram @boxofficeincaderspod

Twitter @boxofficeinvpod

See ya in the next one!