Happy New Year!!! Welcome back listeners, we hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family or whoever you consider family for the holidays! Jeremy and James have a good one for you this week, we're talkin' ROBOCOP! That's right, you read it correctly, it's Robocop. We follow along side Officer Murphy and his journey to becoming half man, half machine, in this epic 80's classic action film. So as always friends, grab a snack and plug in those headphones because we're stepping back in time to the future stated of Detroit in... ROBOCOP.
If you're not already, please follow us on social media @boxofficeinvaderspod we post our most recent updates there first so you can be informed before the next episode drops!
Our song is made and allow to use by our good buddy Daniel Fraser, Kvyo, you can find him on spotify under Kvyo or IG @kvyospyinoneem. Check him out, give him a listen and let him know we sent ya!
Finally, we would super appreciate it if y'all could please rate and review our podcast wherever you listen. Any and all feedback if helpful for us to make the best podcast for you!
As always, thank you and we'll catch you next week!