Next Episode: Ep.4 (1994) The Crow

Hello and welcome to Box Office Invaders Podcast!

In this episode we walk down memory lane and review the box office numbers, cast, plot, and potential cast of this history Batman movie. Directed by Tim Burton, the legend himself, we analyzed the creative choices made to make this film so dag on great!

If you like Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as The Joker AND Tim Burton as the director, well you've arrived at the correct substation my friend. Strap in, because this first episode is a journey. We managed to go 165 minutes or so... dang near the whole movies length!


The 1989 Batmobile was built off a Chevy Impala chassis and powered by a Chevrolet engine.
The rear of the Batmobile was design after a Fiat Turbina, a gas-turbine concept from the 1950's 

The music is used by permission of Daniel Fraser, @kvyospyinoneem on Instagram and Kvyo on spotify.