When it comes to building and growing an online business part of many successful strategies is Leveraging Other People's Audiences to grow your own online businesses.  Deirdre  Tshien an ex-Banker, serial entrepreneur, and cat lady.  Her secret power is turning eCommerce products into irresistibly-contagious offers.

About Deirdre  Tshien
Deirdre is the founder of Growth Boss, a leading mentorship program for online business owners wanting to scale to multiple- 6 and 7 figures using the power of tribe-building, funnels, and human connection.

She is a serial entrepreneur, having founded and led 5 businesses across 3 industries in the last 7 years, and has navigated the entire spectrum of experiences and emotions (the good, the bad and the ugly) that comes with starting, running and closing businesses.  

With her hands-on experience in successfully growing her businesses to 7 figures, she now coaches online business owners on her secret sauce of using buyer psychology to make their offerings irresistibly-contagious to their customers; creating an end-to-end sales funnel that automatically converts these customers; and then nurture them into a raving salesforce.

Deirdre's evolution into a Business Coach, Consultant and Mentor was driven by a strong desire to pay it forward and help other business owners take intelligent action towards building their million-dollar business.

Need some Sales Help?
P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways Tim Kubiak can help you grow your business:

1. Subscribe to the Podcast

Twice a week we talk to founders, innovators, entrepreneurs business owners, and of course sales leaders — about how they built, scaled, and grew their businesses. Apple, Spotify, or any of your favorite podcast services.

 2. Join the Sales Minute Facebook Group  and connect with other Top Performing Sales Professionals who are focused on growing their sales too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart salespeople, leaders, and owners learn to win more deals, get more income, and have a more fulfilling career. — Click Here

3. Join our 2021 Velocity Program and close your Must-Win Deals.

If you're not absolutely certain who the decisions makers are and what their buying criteria are in your top 3 opportunities I can help. I’m working with a few clients for the next 12 weeks to help win their deals and hit their goals  — without a crazy amount of new prospecting, social media BS, or magic. Email me at [email protected] the word "Velocity"  and I'll get you all the details.

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take your from where it is and grow it by 6 to 7 figures... just email or send me a message and with the word “Private”... tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.