Ask any salesperson, good or bad, killing it or struggling. Most of them will tell you they need more leads, and more accounts.   While that is certainly not always true there are cases where leads are fine but what truly leads to more business and unprecedented results is quality appointments with the right prospect.

Today we talk about how to narrow down who you are targeting, message to them, and win more new business with the right type of customers.

Much like the RedZone Sales Opportunity Management App, Chris Bremmer and Tim Cook of SalesPunch.Guru built their solution as salespeople focused on growing their own business.  It worked so well now they are helping others get in front of the right prospect with a high-quality appointment program. To learn more about them visit them on LinkedIn.

Need some Sales Help?
P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:

1. Subscribe to the Podcast

Twice a week we talk to founders, innovators, entrepreneurs business owners and of course sales leaders — about how they built, scaled and grew their businesses.  - Just hit the subscribe button where you're already listening.

2. Join the Sales Minute Facebook Group  and connect with other Top Performing Sales Professionals who are focused on growing their sales too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart salespeople, leaders and owners learn to win more deals, get more income,and have a more fulfilling career. — Click Here

3. Join our 2021 Velocity Program and close your Must Win Deals.

If you're not absolutely certain who the decisions makers are and what their buying criteria are in your top 3 opportunities I can help. I’m working with a few clients for the next 12 weeks to help win their deals and hit their goals  — without a crazy amount of new prospecting, social media BS, or magic. If you want to accelerate your income and book of business, have an existing set of customers and prospects email me at [email protected] the word "Velocity"  and I'll get you all the details.

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take your from where it is and grow it by 6 to 7 figures... justemail or send me a message and with the word “Private”... tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.