2016 New Year’s is just around the corner and many of us bowhunters are already near the end of the hunting season bring us closer to the time when people start to think about their own New Years resolution. For many hunters, fitness tends to be one of those resolutions. If that is you and […]

The post BR030 – 2016 New Year Bowhunter 60 Day Fitness Challenge appeared first on My Bow Rush.

2016 New Year’s is just around the corner and many of us bowhunters are already near the end of the hunting season bring us closer to the time when people start to think about their own New Years resolution. For many hunters, fitness tends to be one of those resolutions. If that is you and you want to lose some extra weight, then this challenge could be for you.

Recap for the last challenge we put on: Our first challenge turned out awesome. Ryan won the first BowRush Bowhunter 60 Day Fitness Challenge. What was great was that the average weight lose was around 30 to 35 pounds within the 60 days. All the participants were winners in my mind.  Thank you again for everyone who did participate as you helped us see this challenge being something great for years to come.

That’s why we are doing it again and what better time than now.   Right?

Fitness Challenge Goal

10 participants = 1 Mammoth Cooler to the winner
20 participants = 1 Mammoth Cooler and a Reconyx Trail camera to the winner
30 participants = *Wildcard Prize
60 day challenge combining a full workout routine plus a nutritional system that works.
Up to 30 healthier bowhunters at the end of the 60 days

If you think you have what it takes to win this fitness challenge then fill out the information below and prove it.  I will say this… anyone can enter though it takes true dedication to see this though.

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* you must have an iTunes account to leave a review.

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Share a badass catchphrase?

If you’ve listened to the whole podcast of each episode, you might have noticed that we added a catchphrase at the end that was sent to use by a listener.  The next one could be yours, so comment below and or send us an email with what you come up with and if we like it, we’ll use it.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

The post BR030 – 2016 New Year Bowhunter 60 Day Fitness Challenge appeared first on My Bow Rush.

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