So this week we decided it was time to start bringing on guests who have some incredible stories to share. Our guest on this episode happens to be a good friends of ours, Brandon Rice.  This season did not go as planed for Brandon and lead to multiple gut checking moments.  In many cases, a lot […]

The post BR011 Gut checking moments from a passionate bow hunter with Brandon Rice appeared first on My Bow Rush.

So this week we decided it was time to start bringing on guests who have some incredible stories to share. Our guest on this episode happens to be a good friends of ours, Brandon Rice.  This season did not go as planed for Brandon and lead to multiple gut checking moments.  In many cases, a lot of bow hunters would have already giving up and called it quits, but that wasn’t the case for Brandon.

Have you ever heard the saying that things happen in three’s?  Well that was the case for him.  But with his story, there is a happy ending so don’t miss it.

Some interesting facts from Brandon:

Make sure you always wear your safety harness.  *He gives you a good reason why in this episode.
Make sure to know your hunting property or home property rules and regulations if you plan to hunt it as that just might save you from a lot of headache later on.
Have good insurance *He gives a reason why in this episode.

Don’t let anything stop you from doing what you want to do.  If something happens to your stand, hunt the ground.  If the weather is bad, get out in the woods anyways, because that could be the day you get your biggest buck.  If you are not in the woods, you’ll never know if that day was the day or not.


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Share a badass catchphrase?

If you’ve listened to the whole podcast of each episode, you might have noticed that we added a catchphrase at the end that was sent to use by a listener.  The next one could be yours, so comment below and or send us an email with what you come up with and if we like it, we’ll use it.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

The post BR011 Gut checking moments from a passionate bow hunter with Brandon Rice appeared first on My Bow Rush.

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