Two friends make wild speculations about David Bowie and the books he loved

Welcome to another episode of the Bowie Book Club, where wild speculation and grasping for straws about Bowie’s favorite books has reigned supreme since 2016. This time, we read Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon with an AWESOME guest - librarian and raconteur Sophie Brookover of the Two Bossy Dames newsletter (if you like snappy cultural criticism and snappier GIFs, you need this in your life).

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Stuff We Mentioned

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The wonderful Overdue podcast

the filmic version of Wonder Boys.

the very disturbing last work of VC Andrews - My Sweet Audrina

Grady's robe:

The Dude's robe:

another meta-story: Breakfast of Champions

Bowie biography - Strange Fascinations

Seu Jorge tour

Chabon's (now) invisible doppleganger

HELP US - photoshop us some pictures of Michael Chabon with wings!

What's Up Next?

A very strange book of subversive comics from pre-Glastnost Russia!

What Song Did We Choose?

Well, we didn't choose it (but someone who knows Wonder Boys really well did)...

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