This time we read a history of Berlin in the 1920's that is as diverse and roiling as its subject. And mispronounce many things.

Welcome to another episode of the Bowie Book Club, where wild speculation and grasping for straws about Bowie’s favorite books has reigned supreme since 2016. This time we read a history of Berlin in the 1920's that is as diverse and roiling as its subject. And mispronounced many things.

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Stuff we Mentioned

Chaucer's Books

M - the movie) - watch on YouTube

M - the graphic novel

The Threepenny Opera

Bertold Brecht

Lotte Lenya

Kurt Weill

Bobby Darin's version of Mac the Knife

Bowie, Iggy and Expressionism

David Bowie's Berlin

Bowie's Berlin years

Bowie in Baal, one of Brecht's early works

Friedrich's other books - City of Nets, a history of Hollywood in the 1940s and Going Crazy

Pushing Ahead of the Dame has a great article about Bowie in Berlin and the making of the song Where Are We Now?

Look Who's Back

Berlin Babylon

What's Up Next

We'll be back with an episode to catch up on the #bowiebookclub, who are reading James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time, which we talked about last August - listen to the episode here

Our next book coming up is Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess, a favorite of Bowie's - we covered Clockwork Orange the other Burgess book on the list way back when in our first episode!

What Song Did We Choose?

Another thing we couldn't really pronounce...

Don't look at this. 

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