Series: Artificial Intelligence, Leadership and the Future of Further Education


Richard Foster-Fletcher, Executive Chair,
Kurt Hintz, Executive Principal, Capital City College Group

Episode 4: AI and Data Privacy in Further Education: The balance of harnessing artificial intelligence while ensuring student data remains secure.

Episode Notes:

Importance of discussing data privacy and AI in the educational context.Data Privacy and Leadership in Education
Changes in data privacy that educational leaders should be cognisant of.Challenges and benefits of utilising data for educational objectives.Issues concerning the use of assessment tools and student data.Innovative Uses of AI in Education
Ways in which students are utilising Chat GPT for educational purposes.Potential risks of personal information being unintentionally disclosed through AI tools.Policy and Governance in AI Implementation
Necessity for public policy documents or white papers focused on AI in education.Defining objectives, outcomes, and how students should interact with AI.Discussion Points
Educating students on the risks associated with platforms and data privacy; addressing awareness gaps among adults.Factors such as brand familiarity and network effects in the adoption of technologies in educational settings.The role of WhatsApp in education and its implications for data privacy.Balancing the effectiveness of data utilisation with the need for data privacy.Guidelines for the responsible use of AI in educational settings and safeguarding data integrity.Closing Remarks

The conversation around data privacy and AI in education is not just timely but essential. It calls for a thoughtful approach to policy, governance, and education to ensure ethical and effective use of technology.

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