— 02x26 Notes —

NathanSandwich appears to talk about his origin story, finding Captain Falcon, almost leaving Melee, TOing, and more!

Nathan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nathansandwich?s=21

Nathan’s twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nathansandwich

— About the pod —

Bottom of the Smash Mountain is a podcast created, hosted, produced, edited, and otherwise run by Jesse “cyfer003” Wall (he/him), aka yours truly. That’s right, I even write this whole thing out.

A couple of things about me: I love the Super Smash Bros. franchise, especially Melee. My wife, Jen, is my biggest supporter and I would not be here without her. To our two children, Ellie and Ezra, I’m proud to be your Daddy. Jen and I believe in the gospel of Jesus, which declares: “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭ESV‬

As of the beginning of Season 2, this is what my relationship to Melee looks like: I am only a spectator and podcaster. I have no internet at the apartment, so until we move I shall spectate and support via podcasting about Melee and the community.

One of my main goals for this podcast is to emulate what I hope to see in the Smash Community at large: a welcoming and safe environment. One example is that I’m not going to swear that much, although my guests might swear slightly more often so that is why this podcast is marked as explicit content, or at least it should be. Anchor is confusing sometimes. The point is, I want listeners and guests alike to feel welcome and safe while they’re here, so aside from occasional swearing I will try to limit explicit content to accomplish that. Trigger warnings and heads-up type stuff will be used as I see fit.

Don’t get your hopes up for time-stamps, because this is a bit of a lazy podcast as well. Despite that, I try my best to give credit where credit is due in regards to sources and such. I also make a concerted effort to avoid ripping other people’s content, but if anyone feels that I did that kind of stuff, my DM’s are open on Twitter; we can get it figured out.

Did I say something that offended you? Usually I am trying not to be offensive to anyone, but my attempts at humor might result in that. Either that or I’m being dumb. Either way, feel free to reach out and educate me so that you and I can level up :)

Jesse’s Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/cyfer003

BSM Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsmpod?s=21


— Credits —

Podcast Logo: original artwork by Blake Wall; used with permission. If you want him to do art for you just DM me on Twitter, because Blake has no social media presence.

Intro: Travelogue by Chords of Orion, off of the Rumination album. Used with permission. Please support Chords of Orion by visiting their website: http://chordsoforion.com

Outro: Travelogue by Chords of Orion, off of the Rumination album. Used with permission. I already linked the website, so please check out the YouTube as well: https://youtube.com/c/chordsoforion

This podcast was made with an iPhone using Anchor, which you can download onto your iOS here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/anchor/id1056182234

I have been using Discord and Craig to record interviews for most of Season 1 and now Season 2. Here is a link to discord: https://discord.com
And to Craig: https://craig.chat/home/

I also have a windows laptop, Samson Q2U microphone, and Audacity, which you can install on your computer by following this Link: https://www.audacityteam.org

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