In 1945, the Nazis went to the moon. In 2018, they came back! In our first episode of 2020, my father (Al Jaconetti) and I wanted to give you something to really get the new year started and we know that 2012’s Iron Sky needs to be seen to be [...]

In 1945, the Nazis went to the moon. In 2018, they came back!

In our first episode of 2020, my father (Al Jaconetti) and I wanted to give you something to really get the new year started and we know that 2012’s Iron Sky needs to be seen to be believed. We will cover both versions of the film, including the main differences between them. We will also talk about the outstanding special effects and the crazy characters that populate this film that most people passed on. So grab your space suit, fire up the Charlie Chaplin, and your English to German dictionary, because it is time to head to the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON! Just remember: kuu-natsi is Finnish for “moon nazi”.