“If its dull or statistical, I’ve written about it.” We kick off 2022 on Bots, Bugs, and Babes as my father (Al Jaconetti) and I go out to the desert and dig up The Monolith Monsters (1957). We look back at this Jack Arnold written film and uncover what might well be a lost [...]

“If its dull or statistical, I’ve written about it.”

We kick off 2022 on Bots, Bugs, and Babes as my father (Al Jaconetti) and I go out to the desert and dig up The Monolith Monsters (1957). We look back at this Jack Arnold written film and uncover what might well be a lost gem. So grab your meteorite, finish that cup of coffee, and head to the dam. Just remember, don’t forget your shaker of salt!

