Both Down Episode 161 – Standing Next to You – Ready for Orclahoma Bowl Weekend? Yes? No? First time? Don’t worry we got you covered. In today’s episode we catch you up on what the Ginger brothers have been up … Continue reading →

Both Down Episode 161 – Standing Next to You – Ready for Orclahoma Bowl Weekend? Yes? No? First time? Don’t worry we got you covered. In today’s episode we catch you up on what the Ginger brothers have been up to recently. We also cover everything you need to know about Orclahoma Bowl and Spiky Cup for Orclahoma Weekend 12. We also got a big bundle of “Shout Outs!” for you too! Thanks for giving us a listen.

Orclahoma Weekend Primer – 35:07
Shout Outs! – 1:29:04

Links to stuff mentioned in Episode 161

Orclahoma Bowl Website
The World of David the Gnome
Both Down Approved on Twitter

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Scott Prime (@realscottprime)
Both Down (@BothDown)


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