Jared Janes and Jason Snyder talk with Sarah McManus about her background, her emotional & psychological experience of contracting COVID-19, her ayahuasca shamanic apprenticeship in Peru, helplessness, emotional processing, the Bio-Emotive Framework, Buddhist practices & traditions, suffering, building & integrating new cultural platforms, reframing human development, pandemic fragility, learnings from Burning Man, dynamics of self-isolation, moving forward, chaos, order, and much more.

In this Episode of Both/And

Sarah's Roam Page Twitter Questions Human Age on Twitter Neural Annealing: Toward a Neural Theory of Everything Clean Up, Wake Up, Grow Up with Ken Wilber Doug Tataryn Already Free by Bruce Tift INVISIBILIA Podcast: The Reluctant Immortalist Star Trek The Next Generation S1E2 B/A: #35 Erotic Potential with Debby Friday Nora Bateson on the Emerge Podcast Game B The Context Institute - videos on cultural operating systems Spiral Dynamics Collaborative "nucleation sites" Cultures and cultural platforms The Circles Maps The Egg by Andy Weir The Stoa Anis Mojgani performs Shake the Dust

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