The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Friday, August 10th, 2018

With just a month until the primaries, have the Democrats running for Governor finally landed on a message that might not only resonate with voters but reverberate on election day: Transportation? There has been a convergence of transportation SNAFUS: On Monday the commuter rail had massive delays on six lines, On Wednesday the MBTA’s parking garage at Alewife crumbled, with huge pieces of concrete damaging someone’s car. Yesterday the Blue Line lost power, creating an underground parade of 350 passengers walking through a tunnel, and for atmospherics — we have work on the Commonwealth Ave bridge, which has traumatized commuters with the threat of major backups. We opened the lines to ask you, could this be the topic that could threaten America’s most popular governor? Mind you not all of America has to use our transportation system. Is this an issue that could change how you vote?

Alex Beam is here for his famous explainer and other esoterica, including a comprehensive analysis on how to best avoid mosquito bites by wearing camo.

Beat The Press host Emily Rooney joined us for her famous list of fixations and fulminations

Then, we chat with the Boston Globe’s travel writer and columnist Christopher Muther about the TSA’s Quiet Skies program and the proper etiquette on tipping while traveling.

Then we continue our ongoing conversation about the family separation at the Border with immigration lawyers Susan Church and Jeff Goldman

First Lady Melania Trump’s parents successfully emigrated to the United States, using what the president has condemned as “chain migration.” We unpack this with Under the Radar host Callie Crossley.

Then this week's Friday News Quiz with two women who are shaking things up in the world of beverages: Kitty Amann is a consultant specializing in cocktails, wines and spirits. Misty Kalkofen has a reputation as one of America’s foremost authorities on cocktail history and culture. In addition to tending bar at Brick & Mortar since 2011, she is also a consultant. The two have them have come together to author the new book: Drinking Like Ladies: 75 Modern Cocktails from the World's Leading Female Bartenders; Includes Toasts to Extraordinary Women in History.