Previous Episode: Full Broadcast 6/25/18
Next Episode: Full Broadcast 6/27/18

The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Tuesday, June 26th, 2018. We asked you: Should former President Barack Obama be out in public moredefending the Democratic Party and stumping for candidates? Or should he let others step in? Sports reporter Trenni Kusnierick discussed the NFL players who wrote an open letter to President Trump calling for criminal justice reform. Christopher Muther, travel writer for The Boston Globe, talked about commercial airlines telling the government not to use their planes to transport migrant children to detention centers. Columnist Alex Beam brought us the latest updates on his favorite World Cup team: Iceland. Harvard Business School historian Nancy Koehn brought historical context to the Trump administration's use of dehumanizing language to describe immigrants. CNN's John King analyzed the Supreme Court's travel ban decision. We asked you about United Airlines' decision to get rid of their signature in-flight snack, the Stroopwafel. Is this just another indignity that us economy class travelers have to endure?