Previous Episode: Full Broadcast 6/13/18
Next Episode: Full Broadcast 6/15/18

The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Thursday, June 14th, 2018. Chuck Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," talked about Bob Corker's comments about the "cult" of Trump, a new lawsuit against the Trump Foundation, and other top stories from Washington. Congressman Bill Keating weighed in on the U.S. - North Korea summit. We opened up the lines and asked you if this week's Republican primaries prove that the GOP has become the party of Trump. Former Suffolk sheriff Andrea Cabral discussed the Supreme Court case on Ohio's voter rolls, and the Trump Administration's practice of separating immigrant children from families at the border. Alex Beam, BPR's equivalent of the Russian psychic cat Achilles, shared his predictions for the World Cup. Heather Goldstone, WCAI science editor, discussed sea level rise and the movement against plastic straws. Congressman Michael Capuano also discussed the Trump Administration's separation of immigrant children from their families at the border. We asked you about abiotech party in Boston that went off the rails.