Previous Episode: Full Broadcast 3/20/18
Next Episode: Full Broadcast 3/22/18

The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Wednesday, March 21, 2018. We asked you about the news that data firm Cambridge Analytica secretly harvested data from 50 million Facebook users. Does it make you think twice about what you "like" and "dislike" online? Are you considering deleting your social media profiles? Senator Harriette Chandler dropped by to share her vision and priorities for the state senate now that she's in charge.Homeland security expert Juliette Kayyem discussed President Trump's call to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin on his election win.After an autonomous Uber accidentally killed a pedestrian in Arizona, Boston officials are asking local companies to put the brakes on self-driving cars. "Boston Globe" business columnist Shirley Leung weighed in.Research out of the Harvard Business School finds that we gravitate toward our friends' and neighbors' worst habits (and then make them our own.) Social scientist Michael Norton explained. WGBH arts editor Jared Bowen shared his roundup of the latest arts and culture events in the Boston area.