Today on Boston Public Radio:

We opened up the lines and asked our listeners about Elizabeth Warren’s plan to tackle opioid addiction, including calling on institutions like Harvard to remove the Sackler family name — the family behind Purdue Pharma — from prominent buildings.

The House Judiciary Committee voted yesterday to hold A.G. William Barr in contempt of Congress. CNN legal analyst Michael Zeldin weighed in.

Former Suffolk County sheriff Andrea Cabral discussed newly released video of Sandra Bland’s encounter with police.

Medical ethicist Arthur Caplan weighed in on a new “heartbeat” abortion law in Georgia, one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country.

WCAI science editor Heather Goldstone talked about a sobering U.N. study warning that over one million species may face extinction because of the human impact on the environment.

Former Congressman and Secretary of both Congress and Transportation Norman Mineta shared the upcoming PBS documentary about his life.

Joining us for a crash course in rosé were TJ and Hadley Douglass, the co-owners of “The Urban Grape.”