Today on Boston Public Radio:

University of New Hampshire political science professor Dante Scala discussed how various 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are positioned ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, and how fallout from Monday's Iowa caucus debacle could make New Hampshire even more significant.

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer joined us to discuss his campaign, and what he thinks it’s going to take to defeat President Trump in November.

“Beat the Press” host Emily Rooney joined us for a special primary-themed list of fixations and fulminations.

We opened lines to talk with callers about which Democrats are best positioned to win the nomination.

A second 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, discussed his views on the New Hampshire primary, and being the only remaining presidential candidate of color.

Jack Rodolico and Lauren Chooljian, hosts of NHPR’s “Stranglehold” podcast, broke down the history of New Hampshire's role as the first-in-the-nation primary.

Satirist and Washington Post contributor PJ O’Rourke discussed the impeachment vote, and his thoughts on what might happen come election time in November.

We re-opened our lines to hear your thoughts on everything related to election 2020.