Today on Boston Public Radio:

Arnie Anderson, political analyst and host of WNHN’s “The Attitude,” discussed Monday’s Iowa caucus, and what the debacle might indicate for next Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary. 

We opened our lines to talk with callers about your impressions of the Iowa caucus. 

Carol Rose and Kade Crockford from the Massachusetts ACLU discussed their efforts to block facial recognition technology in the Bay State. 

NBC Sports Boston reporter Trenni Kusnierek recapped Super Bowl LIV, from the the game itself to Tom Brady’s “special announcement” Hulu ad.

Food writer Corby Kummer discussed the 40,000 pounds of food waste at Super Bowl LIV, and the FDA’s recent approval of a drug to lessen the effects of peanut allergies. 

We re-opened our lines to discuss the massive construction project soon to be underway at South Station. 

CNN’s John King discussed criticisms of Monday night’s Iowa caucus, and President’s Trump’s forthcoming State of the Union address. 

Ari Barbanell and Paul English, co-founders of Winter Walk Boston, discussed their program’s mission of fighting local homelessness ahead of their fourth annual walk on Sunday.