The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Friday, February 1st, 2019.

Congressman Jim McGovern joined us to discuss his new position as the Chairman of the House Rules Committee.

WGBH's Emily Rooney gave us her famous list.

Boston City Council President Andrea Campbell was in the studio to talk about the Boston Globe's recent valedictorian study.

Tech writer Andy Ihnatko talked about the latest tech mishaps at Apple and Facebook.

Documentarian Errol Morris joined us to discuss his new documentary on Steve Bannon, American Dharma.

It seems these days that it is impossible to get out of the reach of Amazon. We opened the lines to hear if you could avoid buying anything from the online monopoly for an entire week.

Rebekah Salwasser, the executive director of the Red Sox Foundation , and Adam Grossman, the chief marketing officer of the Boston Red Sox, joined us for the news quiz.