The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Monday, November 19th, 2018.

Freelance journalist Joanna Weiss and Dante Ramos, editor of the Ideas section at* The Boston Globe, *joined us to discuss the latest local and national political headlines.

The GroundTruth Project's Charlie Sennott talked about the most recent developments in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

T.V. expert Bob Thompson gave us his list of the best and worst shows on T.V..

ProPublica's A.C. Thompson was in the studio to talk about his new Frontline documentary on the growing threat of radical Neo-Nazi groups in America.

Irene Monroe and Emmett Price joined us for another edition of All Revved Up.

We opened the lines to hear what you thought about the prospect of electric scooters taking over the streets of Boston as the city's newts form of affordable transportation.

Poet Richard Blanco read some poems that helped us help better understand our lives and times.