Today on Boston Public Radio:

MSNBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd discussed Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, and the addition of Deval Patrick to the 2020 presidential race. 

We opened our lines to callers to hear your thoughts on Wednesday’s impeachment hearing. 

Former Suffolk County Sheriff and Secretary of Public Safety Andrea Cabral discussed efforts to save Rodney Reed, a Texas man currently facing the death penalty.

Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigrant Forum, discussed the Supreme Court’s forthcoming decision on DACA, and its potential implications for the Trump presidency. 

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick phoned in to discuss his newly announced campaign for president. 

Paul Reville, former Massachusetts Secretary of Education, spoke about gun violence in the shadow of Wednesday’s shooting at a Santa Clarita high school, as well as the looming $100,000 per year cost of college tuition. 

Harvard Business School historian Nancy Koehn discussed the failures of leadership at Boeing in the wake of a botched apology from the company’s CEO over malware that caused two plane crashes.

Activist and folk singer Joan Baez, alongside Betsy Siggins, co-founder of Cambridge’s Club Passim, discussed the singer's career and the legacy of the famed folk venue on the eve of its 60th anniversary concert.