MIT economist Jonthan Gruber discussed the stalled negotiations in Congress over further coronavirus relief spending, and how large-scale tax evasion among the nation’s richest dwarfs the budget shortfalls that are keeping everyday Americans from receiving additional financial aid.

We opened lines to ask listeners: how is the federal government’s inability to pass another stimulus packaging affecting you?

Medical ethicist Art Caplan discussed new FDA rules that make an election-ready COVID-19 vaccine highly unlikely, and ethical concerns with the handling of coronavirus infections within President Trump’s administration.

Boston Globe editor-in-chief Brian McGrory talked about his experience running the Boston Globe from what his colleagues describe as “the dreariest looking room in America,” why he expects the current whirlwind news cycle will only going to get crazier in the final months of 2020, and his thoughts on the Baker administration's limited transparency throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Former Mass. Education Secretary Paul Reville discussed criticisms surrounding Notre Dame President John Jenkins, who skirted social distancing guidelines and contracted COVID-19, as well as the stalled reopening at Boston Public Schools.

Milk Street TV host Chris Kimball discussed his latest cookbook, “Cookish: Throw it Together,” along with the forthcoming season of Milk Street TV, and his favorite recipe from legendary TV cook Julia Child. 

Restauranteur Joanne Chang updated listeners on how her restaurants are doing, spoke on the opening of a new Flour Bakery in Beacon Hill, and talked about how she's planning to adapt operations through fall and winter of the coronavirus the pandemic.