Today on Boston Public Radio:

MSNBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd discussed the latest headlines regarding the House impeachment inquiry.

Boston Globe opinion columnist Shirley Leung discussed Tom Brady’s Netflix appearance, and a recent interview with the ex-wife of disgraced former Providence mayor Buddy Cianci.

Former Suffolk County Sheriff and Secretary of Public Safety Andrea Cabral discussed an increase of pretrial incarcerations in Massachusetts.

Food writer Corby Kummer discussed a new California law legalizing the consumption of roadkill, and news that Amazon is delivering customers expired food. ** **

WGBH science editor Heather Goldstone discussed recent innovations to clean ocean waste, and the threats they pose to ecosystems floating on the ocean's surface.

We opened the lines to callers to ask: why aren’t more Americans interested in protesting Trump?

Journalist and author Ronan Farrow joined to discuss his new book, “Catch and Kill."