Today on Boston Public Radio:

Renée Landers recapped the week’s Senate hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett, what the public learned about Barrett’s judicial approach, and whether she believes the nominee would help overturn Roe v. Wade. Landers is a professor of law and faculty director of the health and biomedical law concentration at Suffolk University’s School of Law. 

We then opened lines to talk with listeners about your thoughts on court-stacking, and whether Democrats should work to expand the Supreme Court if Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed before the election. 

NBC “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd caught us up on the Senate hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and dueling town hall interviews for President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Next, we opened lines to talk with listeners about the two presidential town hall debates taking place Thursday night, for both President Tump and former Vice President Biden. 

Matt Stout, who covers politics and government from the Boston Globe’s State House bureau, gave a debrief on Mass.' Ballot Question 2, regarding whether the state ought to implement ranked-choice voting, and offered some pros and cons for voters still figuring out where they stand on the issue.

State Rep. Mike Connolly discussed his thoughts on Gov. Baker’s newly-released rental relief plan, and the implications of the state ending its eviction moratorium, which it'll do on Saturday, ahead of winter months and another potential coronavirus surge.

Tech writer Andy Ihnatko discussed Twitter and Facebook’s moves to limit the spread of a story, published Wednesday by the New York Post, about what the outlet described as a “smoking gun” email found on the laptop of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. He also talked about issues with Amazon’s delivery service, and what you can do to help delivery drivers find your home.