Today on Boston Public Radio: 

Washington Post op-ed columnist E.J. Dionne responds to Wednesday’s chaos incited by Trump mob in Washington, D.C., and the impact it might have on the future of President Trump’s political influence post-presidency. He also weighs in on President-elect Biden's choice of Merrick Garland, his former college friend, to serve as A.G.

Former Pentagon official Rosa Brooks reacts to the storming of the Capitol building by President Trump’s supporters, which she predicted in exercises laid out by her bipartisan Transition Integrity Project. She also offers her thoughts on the path forward for maintaining democratic stability in the U.S.

Next, we open lines to talk with listeners about your thoughts on Wednesday’s chaos, and the future of the U.S. post-Trump.

Former Suffolk County sheriff and secretary of public safety Andrea Cabral discusses the lawlessness of yesterday’s pro-Trump mob. She also offers her take on the lackluster response from authorities defending the U.S. Capitol building, and compares Wednesday’s police enforcement to what was seen at Black Lives Matter protests throughout 2020.

Next, we return to listeners to talk about Wednesday’s storming of the U.S. Capitol building, and the response from political leaders and members of the media. 

Rep. Bill Keating talks about his experience being barricaded in his office at the Capitol on Wednesday, and the rising number of his colleagues looking to pursue invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

We close out Thursday's show by returning to our callers, getting your final impressions (for now) of Wednesday's events.