The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Wednesday, January 9th, 2019.

Trump addressed the nation last night about the what he is calling an immigrant crisis and the need for a wall on the Mexican border, and the the impasse that is causing the government shutdown. We opened the line to get you thoughts on the speech and the ongoing shutdown.

WGBH's Arts Editor Jared Bowen joined the show to talk about the best plays and movies to see around Boston this week.

National security expert Juliette Kayyem gave us the latest news on the Mueller investigation.

Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll discussed how her city has handled the introduction of a recreational marijuana shop.

Medical ethicist Art Caplan gave his thoughts on the Golden Globes attempt to promote vaccinations/

We opened the lines to hear your thoughts about Mayor Walsh's newest plan to reduce city traffic and enhance the T.

Shirley Leung, interim editorial page editor for the Boston Globe, discussed her paper's most recent editorials.