The full broadcast of Boston Public Radio from Wednesday, January 1st, 2018.

We’re only two days into 2019, and all anyone can talk about is 2020: particularly after Sen. Elizabeth Warren dropped a video on Dec. 31 announcing she’s launching an “exploratory committee” to look into running for president. We discussed this and other political headlines with news analysts Charlie Chieppo and Shannon O’Brien.

Then we opened up the lines to ask our listeners what they think of Elizabeth Warren’s possible bid for the 2020 election.

National security expert Juliette Kayyem joined us to discuss what’s next for the Dept. of Defense now that former Secretary James Mattis is out.

We went over the latest in medical ethics dilemmas with medical ethicist Art Caplan.

In December, two men competed to make exploration history, each carrying a heavy sled over a frozen landscape to be the first to cross Antarctica solo and unaided. Harvard historian Nancy Koehn joined us to explain.

WGBH’s Executive Arts Editor Jared Bowen joins us to discuss Oscar nominations and the films currently out in theaters.

On Christmas eve this year, the Boston Globe announced that they’re cutting down the comic strip section of the paper. We opened the lines to ask our listeners: are you enraged at the loss of Ippy the Pinhead, or are comic junkie days a thing of the past?