"If you work at it, you will find out the two things will happen. You'll either achieve that goal and that dream, ultimately, or you won't know. You say, Well, that's pretty stupid. Well, what I'm coming down to is so what?" - W D Evans (Author) The Man With More Lives Than a Cat

Welcome back to Boss Uncaged podcast. Today's show is a special episode I had an opportunity to interview WD Evans, you'll learn that I call him sir Evans. But this guy, I don't even know where to begin to explain who he is and what he has accomplished in his life, but he's 84 years old. His tagline is, the man would more lives than a cat. His business card instead of just being a CEO or founder on the says Arctic Explorer, pilot, survivor, inventor, soldier, gambler teacher Author, artists, musician, entrepreneur, and lover. On this episode, he drops so many beautiful nuances to life that you could learn from not just from business not just on building companies not just falling patents, but he's 84 years old. And he's accomplished more in his lifetime than a dozen people combined in their lifetimes. Without any other spoilers. Sir Evans

Boss uncaged is a biweekly podcast that releases the origin stories of business owners as they become uncage trailblazers, unconventional thinkers on tethered trendsetters and unstoppable tycoons. We always hear about overnight success stories, never knowing that it took 20 years to become a reality. Our host S. A. Grant conducts narrative accounts through the voices and stories behind unengaged bosses and each episode, guests from a wide range of backgrounds sharing diverse Business Insights, learn how to release your primal success through words of wisdom from inspirational entrepreneurs and industry experts as they depict whoThey are, how they juggle their work life with family life. Their successful habits, business expertise, tools and tips of their trade. Release the uncage boss beast in you.