Think in terms of humans first. Versus technology first, the technology will always change, but what won't change are basic human behavior and human psychology principles. So if you can start there, start with why people make decisions. Basically read some of the best copywriters and you can handwrite their stuff that will give you a leg up over everyone who is a technical person. First, like anyone can figure out Facebook. If all you did was just say, I'm going to learn Facebook ads, you can learn it, you can learn Google, as you can learn SEO, like anyone could do that if you devote enough time to it. But what not everyone gets to do is understanding psychology and how it all fits together. But if you can do that, I mean, if you can be at least competent at psychology and direct response principles and you can apply technology to it, like if you become an email marketer or if you're in SEO or if you're a media buyer, if you understand psychology, you're going to be 10x better than all of your peers. But you've got to go deep on one thing.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)